Looking Forward: The Times They Are a-Changin’
Looking Forward: The Times They Are a-Changin’ Here in the UK, this is Week 4 of the Coronavirus Lockdown. We hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy. Already, all our lives have changed. At the very least, either we have had it or, someone we...
A Powerful Reminder: We Live in Uncertain Times
A Powerful Reminder: We Live in Uncertain Times Around the time we first heard the word Coronavirus, my colleague Sam and I took a trip to NY to meet with our sister company SpacesNYC. It was a brilliant trip. We learnt a lot and will collaborate more in the future....
Keep Positive… It Will Pass…
Keep Positive… It Will Pass… I am not going to mention the “C” word in this month’s blog. Firstly, I am not an expert and secondly, read firstly. During one of the very early Apollo Space missions, one of the astronauts (William Anders) commented that after...
How the Central London Skyline has Changed Over the Past 10 Years
The Central London Skyline – What Massive Changes To start 2020, a new decade, we look back over the past ten years at central London’s changing skline and what it means for the Capital: In early 2000s, the first Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone (‘Red Ken’...