LONIC is 10 Years Old
LONIC IS 10 YEARS OLD It’s been an incredible journey and one we still enjoy. It started 10 years ago with a desk in someone else’s office. We’ve learnt a lot since and there’s so much we as a team are looking forward to. 10 Things We’ve Learned Most people have...
Lessons for Business from the World of Sport
LESSONS FOR BUSINESS FROM THE WORLD OF SPORT As a massive sports fan and reader of many biographies of sporting stars, I have been thinking recently about the incredible similarities between Sport and Business. The Greatest The best sports book I have read is Sir Alex...
What’s really killing high street retail?
WHAT’S REALLY KILLING HIGH STREET RETAIL? In the past month, across Britain, retailer after retailer has taken up the business pages with their woes: predominantly poor sales and closures, frequently referred to as “challenging times for the high street”....