It’s been an incredible journey and one we still enjoy. It started 10 years ago with a desk in someone else’s office. We’ve learnt a lot since and there’s so much we as a team are looking forward to.
10 Things We’ve Learned
- Most people have absolute integrity. The ones that don’t – you don’t have to deal with. Cheating people isn’t business. That’s something else. Tough negotiation is business. Giving everything for your client is business. Customer is always right is business. Always learning is business.
- We all have our quirks.
- The feeling of knowing when a client finds the right space is the most satisfying. It took me many years to understand what a tenant liked about a space. Then one day I was with a client who said: “it doesn’t have the flow!” “That’s it,”, I replied – “it’s all about flow!”
- London gets better and better. When Crossrail (finally) opens – London will be even better still.
- Being able to set up your own company and lucky enough to do something you love – is the best. You have up days and down days, but mostly up.
- Watching a client’s business grow and evolve is the best form of Education.
- Property is actually a people business.
- Residential and Investment property is emotional, Office Agency is date driven, Management is boring but the best form of cashflow.
- You can have bad years where you work 3x as hard for less or good years where you work the same for more. Get through it.
- Cashflow is worth more than ambition or talent.
10 Things to Look Forward to in the Next 10 Years
- The evolution of the Office and also the High Street – we need independent retailers and places to shop, not just have coffee.
- Virtual Reality Offices.
- Completion of the Crossrail Project (2020?).
- How the Brexit referendum result of 2016 will play out (we really don’t know).
- Medical advances and new treatments.
- Cashless economy.
- Constant creativity from young people building businesses based on ideas that could not have been conceived of just 10 years ago.
- Evolution of the car.
- The new Politicians who today are in their 20s & 30s who will shape our futures for better or worse in 2029.
- Tottenham Hotspur finally winning the league (Ross), Newcastle winning a game (Michael), Liverpool winning anything – throw on/Champions League is all the same (Sam)! – Manchester United winning anything (Stephen). Lesley stays out of such trivia!
To all our clients, fellow agents, friends, everyone who has been part of our last 10 years – thank you for all your support – we would not be writing this without you.
The best really is yet to come.